Hello. Welcome to the first issue of The Gorge Business News.
I am excited to bring you this publication and I hope you will grow to love reading it as much as I love bringing it to you.
I began publishing Northeast Oregon Business News almost a year ago and I am so excited to be expanding into the beautiful region known as the gorge.
With so many exciting things happening in the gorge area, I know there will never be a shortage of stories to cover. I hope you are patient with me as this paper and my company continue to grow.
I have always been fascinated by business, I am sure it comes from the many entrepreneurial adventures I watch my dad go on while I was growing up. He raised Angora rabbits, split shakes, rasied canaries, owned a sheet metal and heating business, and even raised worms. Yes, I come by my leaping into the unknown honestly and I hope you will enjoy tagging along on my journey.
Like I said, I love writing, I love travel, I love business and I have enjoyed getting to know so many people because of my publications. I know they have all made a huge difference in my life and I hope I am able to make a difference in theirs by telling the stories that sometimes whisper and sometimes scream to be told.
Thanks again for picking up this first issue. I will be printing every other month and I am always welcome to suggestions and kind words.
Enjoy The Gorge Business News and visit www.thegorgebusinessnews.com
Lori Kimbel